
One of my less successful typewriter purchases was a 1956 Voss S24 I ordered from a French ebay seller in 2019. It was a good-looking machine that just about worked - albeit never altogether satisfactorily. It arrived screwed down inside its travel case: when I unscrewed it I found two slips of paper that had been stuck underneath on which (so it appeared) menus had been handwritten in pencil, perhaps ready to be typed up. Fortunately the writing is fairly legible, and I’ve been able to at least make a guess at what it all says:

  • Potage du jour ou S[alade] de concombre
  • Steak. Pommes frites
  • Potage . Terrines[?] Crudités
  • Rognons S[auce] Madère
  • Tarte aux foies de volailles
  • quenelles S[auce] Nantua
  • cote de porc  p. purée
  • canard Roti  Petits Pois
  • Faux Filet Béarnaise

Makes me feel a bit peckish. Printed on the reverse of the same slip, meanwhile, is Cafés BALZAC / Le Régal des Connaisseurs, which could be the establishments where these dishes were served up. The other ‘menu’ (below) includes similar fare, with the following not included on the first slip:

  • Petits Salés aux lentilles
  • Tête de Veau Vinaigrette
  • Escalope Viennoise