The first greeting card of the season arrived in the post today: the slightly unconventional one above. The design features the malign Krampus seemingly dragging some badly-behaved childresn toward the edge of a precipice, and, presumably, a fearful fate. Gruss vom Krampus means ‘Greetings from Krampus’. My correspondent wasn’t sure if the card would arrive by Krampusnacht, but it has, and with time to spare. On the back of the card is the following text, perhaps more directly applicable to other designs than this one:
Vintage images bring to mind comforting memories of a simpler age. An age where Holidays were more about families and friends, and less about dollars and cents.
These images are from the 18th and 19th century. From Saint Nick to puppies and kittens. Please enjoy these images and wishes for a splended Holiday Season.